Specialty Centers
Endoscopy centers
Pain management centers
Urgent or immediate care centers
Lithotripsy centers
Women’s health, Fertility and Birthing centers
Diagnostic imaging centers and Laboratories
Radiation oncology centers
Occupational health centers
Military heath care organizations
These services include:
Customized and comprehensive consulting services for each specialty from our experienced consultants
Preparation for achieving accreditation / reaccreditation, certification, and state licensure from consultants with surveyor experience
Policies and Procedure Manuals for accreditation, CMS / Medicare certification, and licensure
Strategy Development for Quality Assurance and ensuring Patient Safety
Compliance training for leadership and staff
Mock Surveys for AAAHC and AAAASF accreditation
Mock Surveys in preparation for Medicare / CMS certification
Post-survey review and continued guidance for maintaining quality standards and regulatory compliance
Consulting services for New Facility Development and Expansion